
Legal notice

Director of publication: Alexia NICOLAS

Photo credits:  Olivier Douard

Designed and carried out by
Agence écho
5 rue du clos Camus – 10 000 TROYES – – com@agence-echo.fr
Located in TROYES (10000), 5 RUE DU CLOS CAMUS, Agence Echo has been active since this year. This single-owner simplified joint-stock company (SASU) was created on December 8th, 2014, and is registered in Troyes, under the RCS number 808 182 943. The company is specialized in the advertisement agency business.

Website hosting service
OVH – SAS with a capital of € 10 059 500
RCS Lille Métropole 424 761 419 00045 – APE Code 6202A- N° TVA : FR 22 424 761 419
Headquarters: 2 rue Kellermann – 59100 Roubaix – France.

The purpose of this website is to provide information. You have a right to use, for exclusively personal and non-commercial purposes, the information contained therein. You are therefore not authorized to modify, distribute, transmit, broadcast, represent, reproduce, publish, transfer, or sell all or any parts of this website, any documents downloaded from this website, or any lists of links obtained via this website, nor to create derivative variations on these documents or lists of links, except if a special, prior agreement is made with the publisher and/or author.